POV: You find THE ONE a few tables away in that little cafe you’ve always loved <3


To my girl in the corner,
I started coming here almost every day. It wasn’t because I had become a coffee addict or this place had the puffiest croissant ever. It was you who compelled me to revisit this cafe over n over. You were always in that little corner, with a book in hand, a bunch of pretty sticky notes, and coffee. I bet even the waiter has your order memorized by now. The world keeps shifting, but every evening I find you in the same corner with that same drink. The only thing that alters is that book in your hand. I know you don’t notice me but how can I not notice you. You make me feel at home.

Coming here, watching you read, and then reading that very book later myself became an unusual habit. I would have never pegged myself as a reader until you started giving me book recommendations unknowingly. I know it’s strange but reading a text synchronously somehow made me feel closer to you. Like I was entering a world where you have already left your imprints.

Somedays, I want to come and sit and casually strike up a conversation about the books with you, for, by now I know everything. I know your favorite book, I Know what trope makes you smile and what makes your heart bleed. I want to know what goes in your mind because your naked thoughts are significant to me. I don’t know why I never do it and what holds me back but all I know is someday, I’ll tune in to your wavelength and enjoy the harmony of your life with you. But until that happens, consider this croissant as a ‘thank you’ for all the memorable book recommendations so far.

The boy who’s always a few tables away from you <3

7 thoughts on “POV: You find THE ONE a few tables away in that little cafe you’ve always loved <3

    1. It gives me immense pleasure to know that people out there are taking out time to read my content. Thank you so much <3

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