All The Bright Places- Jennifer Niven’s


Book review

Lovely is a lovely word that should be used more often.


Theodore Finch is fascinated by death, and he constantly thinks of ways he might kill himself. But each time, something good, no matter how small, stops him.
Violet Markey lives for the future, counting the days until graduation when she can escape her Indiana town and her aching grief in the wake of her sister’s recent death.

“We do not remember days, we remember moments.”

 When Finch and Violet meet on the ledge of the bell tower at school, it’s unclear who saves whom. And when they pair up on a project to discover the “natural wonders” of their state, both Finch and Violet make more important discoveries: It’s only with Violet that Finch can be himself—a weird, funny, live-out-loud guy who’s not such a freak after all. And it’s only with Finch that Violet can forget to count away the days and start living them. But as Violet’s world grows, Finch begins to shrink.

“Sometimes there’s beauty in the tough words—it’s all in how you read them.”


‘All the Bright places’ is Jennifer Niven’s first YA novel and a huge success. I’d heard so many great things about the book before I ordered it. I mean the kinda hype that was associated with the book was unbelievable. I kept seeing people recommending this book everywhere. To be brutally honest, I did not get what exactly was this all about. I couldn’t understand the story at all. All I could comprehend was that the protagonist suffered from mental illness and supported each other. They tried to see the bright light in their supposedly dull life. I could not understand what was the hype about and what exactly is the crux of the novel. On re-reading the novel, I literally questioned the kinda headspace I was in while reading it for the first time. HOW COULD I NOT UNDERSTAND SUCH A DELIGHTFUL BEST-SELLER.

“We are all alone, trapped in these bodies and our own minds, and whatever company we have in this life is only fleeting and superficial.”

 The first thing I will say about this novel is that it deals with mental illness expertly, which is also one of the prime reasons this book is disregarded by a few. Some people say it does not properly portray what it is like to live with a mental illness but I disagree.  Finch keeps many of his emotions and thoughts inside, disappears for days, and doesn’t want to burden others with his negativity, which I would argue is an EXTREMELY ACCURATE portrayal of living with depression. Violet has lots of friends and while everyone thinks of her a the cheerful girl she is suffering deep down. The most pleasing thing about this novel is how two broke teenagers, in pain, could share such unconditional love. I was absolutely hooked (when I read it the second time).  It’s a beautiful story about two exceptional characters. It explores love, mental illness,  friendship, and much more so brilliantly. IT IS WORTH THE HYPPEEEE!!

This book deserves ???

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