Me and (my?) stranger


7:00am: I rise from ‘beauty sleep’
pick my fit with care,
Coffee reaches my tumbler
for a smooth morning affair.
I make my way to the metro station,
The usual start
To a day that’s clear.

8:00am: Upon the platform
I stand and wait,
Savoring my coffee (which btw is a perfect brew, no debate)
Eagerly anticipating the train’s arrival time.

8:10am: As the last coach’s doors swing open wide
I spot him seated
A space saved by his side.
A casual wave
A welcoming smile
And I look forward to anything this day brings me.

8:12: Beside him, I take my seat
He hands me his AirPods with ease
“How do we feel today?”
Are the only words we’ve ever exchanged
Perhaps because music is easier to listen to than people.

8:40: There is so much I don’t understand,
How did we end up holding hands?
What’s his name?
How old is he?
How is he?
But he says, “We work because of our anonymity”

9:00am: I wish I could stay for a little bit longer,
I look down at my empty tumbler
Dreading my station’s arrival time
I leave my spot
The space quickly filling by his side
A casual wave
A saddening smile
And I leave (my?) stranger behind.

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