Hide and Seek


We used to play hide and seek when young,
fleeing off on a count of ten,
fitting ourselves in crooked places,
Naming the hiding spot our den,
We played this game for hours,
Every turn with a new thrill,
Hiding away from the world,
We acquired a new skill,
But the thing about playing it continually was,
I got so good at the game,
Found myself hiding from the world,
Associating my presence with shame,
Though I am surrounded by seekers,
They unaware I long to be found,
Maybe they don’t know I am hidden,
The real me is not around,
In this world full of billions of people,
there’s bound to be someone who fits my ‘me and who’,
Winning their own game
Hiding at crooked places like me too,
And maybe someday they’ll trip at the same corner as me,
Hoping to be found,
And we’ll fit each other in a way,
We’ll no longer be drowned.

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