Everything Everything- Nicola Yoon



prom·ise (ˈpräməs)- The lie you want to keep.

Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon is a beautiful and captivating YA. It is a story of a girl Madeline who has a rare disease called SCID (which makes you allergic to the world. The slightest thing from the outside world could trigger a reaction). She has lived her whole life in a sealed and disinfected house with a trustworthy nurse, Carla, and a medic mother. She is witty, young, and smart. But trouble stirs up in her life when a new family moves next door. A few weeks pass and Madeline starts to learn more and more about the family as she watches them from her bedroom window. Ollie, her new neighbor is not only eye candy but friendly too and starts talking to Madeline over iMessage. Their friendship blossoms over time but Madeline’s mother and her eternal illness keep them apart. Maybe we can’t predict the future, but we can predict some things. For example, she is certainly going to fall in love with Ollie. It’s almost certainly going to be a disaster.

“Everything’s a risk. Not doing anything is a risk. It’s up to you.”

“Just because you can’t experience everything doesn’t mean you shouldn’t experience anything.”
Just because you don’t have your Ollie rn shouldn’t stop you from reading Everything, Everything. It’s an artistic story with beautiful cliffhanger endings. I love how different the characters are and yet work for a common goal, to be together. I really enjoyed this book. It made me think about how much we’ve all got and how oblivious we are towards it. The sun, the moon. beaches, oceans, sky that changes colors every day, mountains, air, plants, and whatnot. It is when we are deprived of the luxury that we understand how blessed we are. How blessed we are to see a world that is not only confined within four walls. SO PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO SELF-REFLECT ON YOUR LUXURIES TODAY. 

Spoiler alert: Love is worth everything. Everything.”

Coming back to the review, go read the book already. You might be surprised by the character growth and the internal dedication that consumes you when you want something with all your heart. It is an all-consuming book. Check it out.

And this one gets ???

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