The Sun Is Also A Star


“Sometimes your world shakes so hard, it’s difficult to imagine that everyone else isn’t feeling it too.”

‘The sun is also a star’ is a YA (young adult) by Nicola Yoon. It’s a fairytale only with a not so happy ending. Natasha, a Jamaican American, is a girl who doesn’t believe in love. Her world is governed by science and facts. Her family is being deported to Jamaica.

Daniel who is a Korean American believes in soulmates. Everyone in his family has high expectations of him. They hope he becomes a successful doctor while Daniel aspires to be a poet.

What might start as a random day in the lives of New Yorkers might turn out to fate a driven day for Natasha and Daniel!


It’s a true fairytale and that is why it had me thinking the entire time, would something like this ever happen in the real world? Even though the chances are super slim, deep down a hopeless romantic part of me hopes it comes true. The story is a day-long meet between the protagonists. Honestly, there isn’t much to say about the novel. The talks about poetry and the multiverse are too comforting. on the whole, it was a satisfying read.


~There’s a Japanese phrase that I like: koi no yokan. It doesn’t mean love at first sight. It’s closer to love at second sight. It’s the feeling when you meet someone that you’re going to fall in love with them. Maybe you don’t love them right away, but it’s inevitable that you will.

~I didn’t know you this morning, and now I don’t remember not knowing you.

~The thing about falling is you don’t have any control on your way down.

~ I wonder if she realizes how passionate she is about not being passionate.

~ People make mistakes all the time. Small ones, like you, get in the wrong checkout line. The one with the lady with a hundred coupons and a checkbook.

Sometimes you make medium-sized ones. You go to medical school instead of pursuing your passion.

Sometimes you make big ones.

You give up.

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