You. Me. Coffee. Sunset


As the sunset, the sky was splashed with dusty shades of pink-purple and raspberry. The sharp prongs of skyscrapers had ripped a hole in the clouds. We could see the sun behind the silhouettes of the buildings. It’s a hustling city we and unquestionably have a lot more hustle in our lives. But somehow here we are, on a warm Tuesday summer evening sipping iced coffee while sitting on the edge of the wall. She called me sobbing uncontrollably. Her muffled voice was hard to interpret. That’s when I knew I had to clear my evening. She came over in 30, in sweatpants and hair tied up in a messy bun. She came in and directly entered the kitchen.  She opened the refrigerator looking for coffee which I had already prepared. That’s all about us. We call each other crying, we show up at unexpected hours, we sit on the terrace enjoying the sunset with a large mug of iced coffee.

It’s been a little more than an hour since she showed up with waterworks and a hoarse voice and hasn’t uttered a word since. We have been sitting quietly, sipping our iced coffee, and stupefied by how the sky is repainted in different colors by the greatest artist every day. 

She looked over and smiled a little.

” Now what was that all about”, I asked

” Promise me this will never change”

“What will never change?”, I asked confused

” This. Us. The sky. The coffee. The love. The care”

” Why will it?”

 “I’m not quite sure, but I sometimes just wonder. You’re my best friend, you know”, she said “And I never want to lose that. I never wanna feel down and not have your coffee to cheer me up.”

“Oh spare me the melodrama. You know wayyyy too much about me. This is forever. You Understand? FOREVAAHHHHH. I LOVE YOUUU WAAYYY TOOO MUCHHH.”

“More than this coffee?”, she asked

“Hey! Know your limits bro.”

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